Smart-ID is now available in Belgium!

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E-service providers branding materials

Smart-ID is a smart way to identify yourself online. It is easy, fast and safe for the end-user and provides PSD2 and eIDAS compliant strong authentication and digital signing solution for e-service providers.

Here are branding guidelines for integrating Smart-ID into your services.

The name: Smart-ID

Smart-ID has no translations and no abbreviations

Always use the full brand name Smart-ID in it’s correct capitalisation when referring to it in written text and where possible, avoid using quotation marks/inverted commas around it.

Smart-ID is always used in Latin script (even within Cyrillic/Arabic/etc. writing systems).

Logos and buttons

You can download all currently available logos and symbols, including png, ai and psd formats here: Smart-ID logos and buttons (zip).

Smart-ID logo:

Smart-ID buttons:

Other brand visuals